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Thank you for your interest in humanely trapping cats and kittens in need!


Cat Solutions 305 is always looking for like-minded, kind-hearted people to help control the exploding, unsterilized feline population in the Greater Miami area.


Even if you’ve never used an approved humane cat trap before or just want to fine tune your trapping skills, you will gain valuable skills and insights into the art of trapping and the “return to field” concept and skills for the newly-sterilized, vaccinated cats and kittens. 

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Here Are The Steps:

Fill out the online form below,  submit it, then come to one of our twice monthly Trapper Orientation meetings. 

Meetings are held on the first Thursday and the second Saturday of each month. Thursday evening meetings are at 7:30 PM and Saturday afternoon meetings are at 2PM. Each meeting will last about an hour. Be sure to bring any questions you have.


If you are interested in getting started right away, that’s great! Weather permitting, our trappers are almost always out trapping on Saturday nights to fill the many Sunday spay and neuter surgery spots.

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Here’s How It Works:

Come to one of our Saturday meetings where we will match you with one of our very experienced trappers and you can start learning the art of trapping that very evening. You will tag along with him or her, assisting as necessary or just observe. 


Please send us an email letting us know or simply come to one of our upcoming Saturday meetings. 


No RSVP is required although it is preferred. The address of the meetings will be provided to you upon submission of your Trapper Agreement form.

Trapper Orientation Meeting Schedule 


*If Spanish is your first language, please note many of our trappers speak both English and Spanish.


*If you can’t make the Thursday or Saturday meetings but still want to trap with us, please send us an email at and let us know. We will try to accommodate your schedule if possible.

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presented by Neighborhood Cats


by the Community Cats Podcast

Learn what TNR is and how it works. We’ll cover getting along with neighbors, preparations for trapping, trapping itself (including entire colonies), providing shelter and more!

No events at the moment

The Best part of TNR is...

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