I understand and agree to the following Cat Solutions 305 ("CS305") and/or Street Cat Clinic ("SCC") guidelines:
1. I am responsible for ensuring the cats I trap are kept safe from weather, people and other animals while in my possession.
2. I will line traps with paper, cardboard, wee pads or vinyl and disinfect traps between usage.
3. I will cover and secure the traps appropriately, label as necessary, and fill out the SCC forms completely.
4. I will not give my key code or allow access to the premises to anyone who has not completed training and/or executed a trapper contract.
5. I will follow all SCC rules and protocols and treat staff/volunteers with courtesy and respect.
Abuse will NOT be tolerated.
6. I will drop off and pick up my cats within the established time periods for each day.
7. I will clean and dispose of my debris or garbage in the building or parking lot.
8. I will not take supplies that are meant to be utilized on site.
9. I will set the alarm when I exit the building.
10. After surgery, I will give cats food, water, and necessary care during recovery.
11. I agree to a minimum recovery time of 24 hours.
12. I will be available and responsive if contacted about physical conditions regarding feline suffering and quality of life. If I cannot be contacted within a reasonable amount of time, a decision will be made by a CS305 representative and medical staff.
13. If a trapped cat bites me or anyone else throughout the TNVR process, I am responsible for the legally required 15 day quarantine period.
14. I will not hold CS305 and/or SCC liable or responsible for decisions or actions made on behalf of my cats.